Pubblico Schedario

“Quand le père du père de mon père avait une tache difficile à accomplir, il se rendait à un certain endroit dans la forêt, allumait un feu et il se plongeait dans une prière silencieuse.”

(Hélas Pour Moi, J.L.Godard, 1993)


Villa Manin di Passariano, 2022

Spettri is a workshop in the form of a residency in the spaces of Villa Manin. Fifteen people became familiar with a place and a landscape, working individually (but always with a collective tension) on a photographic project. In order to correctly convey the multiplicity of visions and points of view, a hybrid format was chosen, bringing together a display set up in the Room of Perspectives, a performance by Jacopo Benassi and a visit to the laboratory, the place where the works were printed, shown, discussed and revised on a daily basis.

Project realised within the Master in Photography of the IUAV University, Venice.

Jacopo Benassi

Curated by
Saul Marcadent

In collaboration with
ERPAC FVG - Ente Regionale Patrimonio Culturale Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Exhibition photos in the Room of Perspectives courtesy of Simon Oberhofer